Days Like This

I’m feeling sluggish, untethered, in that “I know I need to do things but don’t feel like it” kind of way…

I want distraction, diversion.  Some sort of conversion.

Conversation. Creation. A new situation.

I need a reprieve from the schedule. Yet I need a schedule.

I need motivation, but am in stagnation.

I need rest, but when lying down don’t receive it.

I find fatigue when sitting up, trying to pay attention, striving to do the things I should be doing.

Lying down I find the mind. Racing. Mulling. Wandering, wondering, investigating, contemplating.

The things I’m interested in don’t seem made for the day. I want to let my mind explore, seek out the interesting, dive deep. That’s a nighttime habit.

Yet the daily to-do’s need to get done.

How to get unstuck from the muck of those mundane tasks? The ones that stare at me from my perch at the kitchen island?

Change the under-the-sink water filter that expired months ago. The fresh one is sitting right there, staring at me like a sentry.

The bills too. Stacked neatly nearby, ready to be paid.

C’mon, what are you waiting for?

Waiting for a friend to say come play?

Really, waiting for another to say Come Work.


An antidote to the sentiments above: Van Morrison’s “Days Like This”